Category: Rent2Own LED Sign Rental

  • Street Talker Mini (Talk To Passing Cars) with LEDSIGNZ

    Street Talker MINI is now available for a bargain price of $2995 or $250/month for 12 month.
    cal 216-475-9800 or fill the form below for a FREE HOW TO TALK TO PASSING CARS guide.

    Brochure at


  • St Paul Greek Festival on LEDSIGNZ Street Talker

    Talk to passing cars and tell them about your current or upcoming festival on DIGITAL OUTDOOR ADVERTISING platform that sits on your sidewalk and urges people to try your offerings or visit your festival. in business since 2008 offers monthly advertising packages $1500 for digital 2 sided billboard that’s 8′ by 3 ‘ feet 2 sided mounted on a trailer.

    All you do is give us electricity, we do everything else.



  • Talk To Passing Cars

    Talk to passing cars


  • patent

    USPTO.GOV has blanked my patent from being viewed. Do a search on my patent and see that it is not viewable. #Discrimination or did I do something wrong?

    Patent to Amid Yousef a way of making LED SIGNS work without failure
    Patented on Christmas day 2018. A way of making LED Signs work without failures

    Full text Patent


  • What is an LED? “Light Emitting Diode”

    Good explanation by this video on what is LED and how it works.


  • Brochure Led Sign Rental On Trailer

    LED Sign Rental On A Trailer called Street Talker has been our focus since 2008 (our inception) and we have been design stable since 2015 and Patented our process in 2017. Driven thousands of miles behind various cars. Street Talker is solid and reliable.
    Start Broadcasting Everywhere. Made in USA at 4681 Northfield Rd North Randall OHIO 44128 216-475-9800 call now

    Full printable 2 page brochure here  (2.5 Meg)


  • Lyndhurst Masonic Temple Open House

    Lyndhurst Masonic Temple Open House

    Mysteries abound about the MASONS. Their mission, what they do in those buildings, whom, what, where, why, how? The MASONS are holding an open house to de-mystify the mysteries

    LEDSIGNZ was asked to help publicize today’s “open house” at Lyndhurst Masonic Temple near Cleveland OHIO. I am not a MASON and I plan to visit to learn more about their mission which seems to be:

    MASONIC Labor is purely a labor or LOVE


    We claim to bring a “river of customers” let’s see how STREET TALKER can deliver today. Come to the open house and consider renting a STREET TALKER for your event. Fill out the form below to get an “auto reply” with most recent pricing. LOOKING forward to hearing from you


  • LED Sign On A Trailer for the “rental pros” ABC RENTAL

    LED Sign On A Trailer for the “rental pros” ABC RENTAL.

    Our program for the rental industry is leaves you lots of room to be profitable. Call and speak to the founder (see contact ) and start making rentals to your customers



  • Ohio Turnpike can rent LED SIGN on a trailer made in Ohio Guaranteed

    Ohio Turnpike has been on my plate and I am hoping we can help this client Ohio Turnpike.
    I made this video for an Ohio Turnpike Proposal a while ago

    We are


  • DHS & FEMA Disaster Area No_Infrastructure COMMUNICATOR 800-955-0505

    DHS & FEMA Disaster Area No_Infrastructure COMMUNICATOR 800-955-0505

    Do you know anyone at FEMA? Please show them this sign. I designed to communicate during disasters such as hurricanes after watching Katrina’s results in New Orleans
    Please help us get this to anyone you know at FEMA
