I created LEDSIGNZ because I was a frustrated with advertising results. My company spent on RADIO, TV, Billboards, Print, Magazine, Balloons and results seemed to diminish after the initial heavy response from each media. STREET TALKER was born in April 2008 and has evolved to patented process that is reliable and we’ve not been hacked in 15 years. THE RESULTS WILL AMAZE YOU. Visit our YOUTUBE channel to see STREET TALKER in action throughout OHIO and Michigan. We serve NATIONWIDE and require longer commitments or we charge a delivery fee to any state in USA. Want a Street Talker? Fill out the form at the bottom of the page and put your desired dates in the notes to see if we have a Street Talker for you. I created STREET TALKER to help my retail business, I hope you will like it.
We rent LED Sign on a trailer, digital advertising platform only $1500/month call 216-475-9800. Rent for 3 months get 1 FREE. Pricing
Want to rent a portable LED Sign mounted on a trailer? Street Talker rental will get your advertising message to passing traffic fast and easy. LEDSIGNZ will do everything, you only provide the electricity.
Advertising is the lifeblood of a business, and best way to get customers is from passing traffic. Street Talker by LEDSIGNZ gets your message out to passing traffic. Want it for a month or longer (minimum 1 month) call 216-457-9800 —— 3 feet x 8 feet 2 sided mounted on a trailer and works on 120 volts plug
Portable 2 sided 3 feet x 8 feet electronic digital changeable led message boards on a trailer, that can attract attention anywhere for only price of electricity 216-475-9800 www.ledsignz.com
Started in 2008 to replace advertising costs for our retail business” discovered it to be superior to all other media and can be yours for $1500/month.
Ledsignz trailer can be towed behind any car and can operate while the car is running using battery converter. 216-475-9800 GUARANTEED
LEDSIGNZ does everything, you only provide electricity
Fast, almost immediate response to your advertising and increase in traffic asking about your offers outside on STREET TALKER! Only $1500/month and LEDSIGNZ does everything, you only provide electricity. Call now 216-475-9800
Full color graphics and messages are a breeze 216-475-9800
LEDSIGNZ Rents LED Sign on trailer:
Rent an LED Sign dual sided digital billboard that’s 3′ x 8′ for only $1500 per month. LED Sign rental gets your message out to passing traffic fast. Minimum 1 month at $1500/month. call today 216-475-9800
LEDSIGNZ TVJUMBO can be single sided double height trailer 6 feet X 8 feet 216-475-9800
…Our founder photographed 2008 while learning at the factory
LEDSIGNZ Founder was also owner of Auto Accents chain Automotive Customizing Centers based in Cleveland Ohio for 25 years before going to learn LED SIGNS and eventually designing and patenting TVJUMBO tech 216-475-9800
Pricing (are you ready for this?)
Only $1500/month to rent this GUARANTEED TO WORK in all weather. Rent outdoor digital led sign on a trailer for only $1500/month call 216-475-9800